Elevate Export Finance played a pivotal role in facilitating a multi-faceted transaction that involved a Mexican company specializing in pest control supplies and equipment distribution.
The borrower, a company with a strong presence in various Mexican provinces, aimed to enhance its operations by purchasing essential equipment to process recycling resins and manufacture rodent traps in-house. Elevate’s expertise in trade financing allowed it to navigate the complexities of this deal, which included twelve suppliers. This collaboration enabled the borrower to acquire state-of-the-art Canadian manufacturing equipment along with improved transport systems, and other critical components. The project's successful execution will result in a substantial increase in the borrower's production capacity and a remarkable 75% reduction in unit costs, opening doors to export their products to new markets.
The funding amount for this deal surpassed USD 2 million, with multiple shipments coordinated to ensure the seamless implementation of the project.
This transaction exemplifies Elevate’s commitment to fostering business growth and economic development for a diverse range of clients.